4 months of joy


4 months ago I did not expect to have gone through what I have. Raising this little girl has been amazing and to watch her learn to things and grow is such a blessing. I could not ask for anything better.
Anyways now that I’m done being sappy and a lovey dovey mama, I just want to update on some new things Ava is doing and some new favorites. Also I’m thinking of doing monthly favorites.
She has finally mastered rolling from her back to her stomach and working on going back to her back. Sitting up alone is next on the list but she’s pretty close. Ava is starting to get a tiny bit of cereal in her bottles to introduce something new, possibly starting baby food in the next few weeks. Oh, don’t let me forget she’s grabbing anything and everything! This girl is just ready to go! She’s growing to fast on me!

                       New favorites


1. Her little sheep aka her “baby”. Every time she’s mad or even just playing I hand her the sheep and she squeezes it to her face and just suck on him. Hehehe, she loves this little guy!


2. This fisher price rocker is amazing. I’m glad we decided to give in and buy it! Its so much better than a bouncer in my opinion. It rocks, vibrates, has like a kick stand to hold stile while I feed her and she could use it as a chair as she gets older! How cool is that!? Its definitely a must try if you have not already.


3. I wish I had a better picture but this musical butterfly has been another toy she has been loving, we hang it above her in her play pin and she just lays there grabbing it and kicking it. What’s even cooler is that the buttons are like touch to play instead of push so she can just barely touch them and they go off.

Now the mommy favorites for baby!


4. I only have one favorite this month that I love for the baby and its our new Nikon ! Its amazing to capture the beautiful pictures of my baby. Its great because I love to do monthly pictures and they look so professional and beautiful!! Also I have not mentioned but I have stated doing photography and helping others capture there valued moments! Its so fun and great to do what I love while helping others!

Sweet smiles & sweet dreams


Do you ever lye awake at night and just admire your precious baby? Often at night I catch myself wide awake staring at my baby, not in a worried or over protected way but in a way that I’m just so in love and amazed at what we created. Those little feet, cute tiny hands, button nose and sparkling eyes! I can just go on all day about how beautiful my daughter is. I sit and think to myself of all the ways I want to raise her and all the things in life she deserves. Raising a little one isn’t the easiest job now and I know it still will have its twists and turns down the road but its definitely  worth every little effort it takes. Ava has truly been a blessing in my life and has turned me for the better. As I sit here and think not only of how big she’s getting, how smart she is, the small things she learns everyday, her happiness, but I think of how grateful I am to be the mother of this precious little girl and how I could never trade it in for the world because being a mommy to Ava Mae is the best job I have ever had been blessed with!
