Update: new job? Hobbies? Loving life!

Hey friends!
I know I’ve been missing for awhile again! There is so many new things going on.
First off, I have started my own business with the itworks team!! I cannot express how exited I am for this journey. Don’t know about us? Well it is all health and beauty products that are made with natural ingredients. I offer wraps, facial products, stuff for you body, tattoo enhancer, weight loss, energy, joint relief, and much much more! Check out my website! And join my 90 day challenge!!! Ask questions if needed.:)


Second, I’ve decided to follow an old hobby again, and found to love it even more this time around! Its doing photography! I’m so in love with capturing other peoples memories. Also not to mention Denver has some beautiful shots!! Go like/ follow me on Facebook and check out my work.



I’m just enjoying life & getting the change to find myself again as well as enjoying my beautiful daughter.
“One step at a time”.

4 months of joy


4 months ago I did not expect to have gone through what I have. Raising this little girl has been amazing and to watch her learn to things and grow is such a blessing. I could not ask for anything better.
Anyways now that I’m done being sappy and a lovey dovey mama, I just want to update on some new things Ava is doing and some new favorites. Also I’m thinking of doing monthly favorites.
She has finally mastered rolling from her back to her stomach and working on going back to her back. Sitting up alone is next on the list but she’s pretty close. Ava is starting to get a tiny bit of cereal in her bottles to introduce something new, possibly starting baby food in the next few weeks. Oh, don’t let me forget she’s grabbing anything and everything! This girl is just ready to go! She’s growing to fast on me!

                       New favorites


1. Her little sheep aka her “baby”. Every time she’s mad or even just playing I hand her the sheep and she squeezes it to her face and just suck on him. Hehehe, she loves this little guy!


2. This fisher price rocker is amazing. I’m glad we decided to give in and buy it! Its so much better than a bouncer in my opinion. It rocks, vibrates, has like a kick stand to hold stile while I feed her and she could use it as a chair as she gets older! How cool is that!? Its definitely a must try if you have not already.


3. I wish I had a better picture but this musical butterfly has been another toy she has been loving, we hang it above her in her play pin and she just lays there grabbing it and kicking it. What’s even cooler is that the buttons are like touch to play instead of push so she can just barely touch them and they go off.

Now the mommy favorites for baby!


4. I only have one favorite this month that I love for the baby and its our new Nikon ! Its amazing to capture the beautiful pictures of my baby. Its great because I love to do monthly pictures and they look so professional and beautiful!! Also I have not mentioned but I have stated doing photography and helping others capture there valued moments! Its so fun and great to do what I love while helping others!

Top favorite Apps


These are my favorite apps on my phone at the moment not including the normal social media apps I use daily.

#1. Sbtv & swagbucks
Basically both apps are the same you just need both to use TV features. Anyways this app allows you to watch videos, answer questions, surveys and much more to earn points, once you’ve reached a certain amount you can get gift cards for your favorite stores! Yes it does work too! I love this app because seriously who doesn’t love free gift cards. Plus its free to sign up.
my sign up link❤

#2.gopro app
I don’t personally have a gopro but my Bunny does and let me just say these make the best baby monitor! Yes you heard that right, we use the to watch ava in her bed, in another room and in the car seat in the back. Its great because we just clip it where ever facing her and use the app to watch a live video of what she’s doing. Definitely convenient.

#3. Influenster
Another new favorite! This app allows you to review any products you love or have tried. You can unlock badges by answering questions, starting conversations, and leaving reviews by doing so you can qualify to get a free voxbox which includes lots of full sized goodies just for you to try out! All for free!!! Once you receive your box all you need to do is review the products you received. Its an awesome app you should try.

#4. Shop kick.
Yet another great app for fun and freebies. Its so easy and fun. Like I said before who doesn’t love free stuff right? So all you do is get kicks( points) for walking into any store you go in. For additional kicks you can scan the products they ask for. Also more kicks for just making a purchase. As you build kicks you can can get gift cards as well as other things they have available. Pretty cool right!
my sign up link❤

Of course this app is used daily. Easy to use and great to write down thoughts.

My most used app has to be this one. Yet another app to earn free stuff. I have used this site for years now and has not failed me yet. You can do so much on here. You can watch videos, play games, take surveys and much more. You earn points while doing these things and can buy gift card with them, and even better you can also shop on amazon with your points! Awesome right! I’ve got makeup, hair stuff and baby stuff on here. I love this app its a must try.
my sign up link❤

We all know what you tube is of course. I use it daily to catch up on my favorite vlogs and beauty blogs. Not to mention to check my own profile and my Hubby’s channel as well. I’ll leave a link you can check them out and subscribe.
Beauty Channel ❤
vlog channel ❤
Hubby’s channel ❤

#8. Snapchat.
Snap chat is a must. Its used more than my phone camera too. I post pictures and videos daily of our day and daily dosage of cute baby ava.

Check these apps out & download they are all free.

New sleeping arrangements

Tonight we are trying to wing ava to a bigger sleeping space. Like I’ve said in a previous post we have been using the rock n play sleeper since ava was born for her to sleep in. Unfortunately she’s getting way to big for it (tear) and just looks so uncomfortable in it. So tonight we decided to put our pack and play with the rising bassinet. I’ll insert picture.


We just remove the changing table and lye her in it. We tried putting her in this a few weeks ago to try and wing her then but she just cried and cried so of course mommy came to the rescue and put her were she was comfortable and familiar with. But tonight is the night I’m making her sleep here so she can have more space. And so far so good she’s been sound asleep!,I guess I’m just not wanting her to grow up, plus I’m used to just looking over and seeing her perfectly. But I’ll have to just suck it up. How has you other mommies experience been moving your baby into a bigger space to sleep? How did your little one react? What was your reaction? I would love to hear other stories and advice!


Sweet smiles & sweet dreams


Do you ever lye awake at night and just admire your precious baby? Often at night I catch myself wide awake staring at my baby, not in a worried or over protected way but in a way that I’m just so in love and amazed at what we created. Those little feet, cute tiny hands, button nose and sparkling eyes! I can just go on all day about how beautiful my daughter is. I sit and think to myself of all the ways I want to raise her and all the things in life she deserves. Raising a little one isn’t the easiest job now and I know it still will have its twists and turns down the road but its definitely  worth every little effort it takes. Ava has truly been a blessing in my life and has turned me for the better. As I sit here and think not only of how big she’s getting, how smart she is, the small things she learns everyday, her happiness, but I think of how grateful I am to be the mother of this precious little girl and how I could never trade it in for the world because being a mommy to Ava Mae is the best job I have ever had been blessed with!


Life catches up!

Hey guys so its been quite a few days since I’ve took the time to write. thing’s have been a little chaotic. My love started a new job and I am being a full time mommy so since ava is getting bigger she just wants to be awake and play, and when she is napping I’m cleaning or even napping with her (laugh). In the mean time we have been relaxing, had a yard sale, I finally had the chance to go through the baby’s room and get rid of out grown out of! Wow I can’t believe how fast they grow! (Tear). Oh and guess what! We took ava swimming for the first time and she just loved it! She was kicking her feet and just relaxing in the water. So cute! Its been a great couple days with my baby. I love being home and getting to see your change everyday I wouldn’t change it for the world!! 🙂




Staying beautiful with a new baby!

After having a baby it can be so hard to keep up with yourself and get dolled up day by day. Seriously its tough getting both you and a baby ready so take an extra hour than your used to. Before having the baby I used to get ready everyday almost, hair, makeup & dressed. Now days I can barely put on mascara! Usually you will catch me with my hair in a bun and minimal makeup, but you will find that my daughter always looks stunning from head to toe.


Even though I may not keep up with looking glamorous everyday I’ve realized I am now a mommy and its not about just me now so even though I manage to put myself some what together everyday I at least Like to pamper myself on my free time with facial masks, Mani, pedi, hair colored and more. Little things like that keep me feeling fresh and have that glamorous feeling I stopped.


Sometimes you just need to focus on making yourself feel good, not only for your spouse or your friends and family, but you have to do it for yourself to remind you that your important and always have been and are beautiful!

What’s in our diaper bag?


I have yet to master what I really need and don’t need in Ava’s diaper bag, I’m a mom who tends to pack everything just in case! And actually some things come in handy and some are just things I don’t think are necessary. But as far as everyday needs for shopping trips or just visiting friends and family, I think I have got down.

1.) Diapers & wipes!
Of course you need diapers and wipes that’s a no brainer so whether you decide to use cloth or disposable just make sure you bring plenty extra! I usually grab 5-10 and a pack of wipes because it sure does suck to run out.

2.) Extra clothes
Extra clothes are especially important for me because ava goes through so many from either going through a diaper or just spitting up all over! Some days I will end up changing her up to 5 times! So extra clothes are a must for us. I like to bring at least 2 onsies and some PJs if we are out a little later.

3.) Baby formula & bottles.
Yes another obvious, you need to feed that baby one way or another am I right? So if you breastfeed of course all you need is you! Or maybe even pre pumped bottles with cold packs!! But my baby is formula fed due to her not latching on me. So I just pack one or 2 bottles with water already filled and just bring some formula.

4.) First aid / handy bag.
This little bag may not be used often or at all yet but I like to have it with me because it has clippers, medicine, alcohol pads, thermometer, brush, travel lotion, baby power & diaper rash creme. Its very convenient to have things such as this. Again its just in case.

5.) Hand sanitizer
This is an important one to us. We carry a whole bottle I hate touching public things then touching my baby, there are to many germs. Also when we are at a friends or families house we make sure everyone sanitizes before the baby gets passed around.

6.)mommies things
Since having the baby her diaper bag has also become my purse. I’m not going to going around juggling a diaper bag, purse and a baby! So its just easy to through in my own Necessity’s in a pocket. I usually just carry my wallet, touch up makeup and any other things I may need for the day.

Diaper bag:
Minnie Mouse pink polka dot- Kmart.com

Getting some mommy time


I love spending all the time in the world with my girl, But let’s face it every mommy needs some me time. Am I right? With a newborn and being a first time mom that can be very difficult especially when before the baby you had all the time in the world to get things done, relax, get dolled up, clean or even spend some Alone time to think. During the day when the baby is awake it can be hard to do some things well because my baby loves to play and have attention. She’s starting to become aware of things. And lets face it i just cant help it being right with her every waking minute. Yes having a new baby is exhausting but its all about figuring out what works best for you and your little one and let’s just say I’ve figured out our schedule so I do have some me time when I may need it.  When? May you ask. Well at night after Ava goes to bed, or even when my amazing boyfriend(daddy) just wants to spend his own time with baby girl. It great because it also allows her to spend quality time with her dad. I take that nice and quite time to relax and catch up on favorite TV shows, pamper myself, blog, clean and everything else I can’t get done during the day. Sure everyone is going to have a different opinion on when to have your own time but this is just works for me since I’m a night owl anyway. Even though its always nice to always be with your baby you can’t neglect yourself. You need to take care of yourself and get a piece of mind every now and again so you can take care of baby.


Top 10 baby must haves(0-3 months)


These last three months there has been many tests and trails on things that do work and things that don’t work for us. As a new parent you think your going to need EVERYTHING! But really you dont need much to care for a baby. These products I picked out are my top 10 must haves and things I could not have done without. Remember these are things that work for me and my baby so yours might be different.

#1. Swaddle blanket


This exact Minnie swaddle blanket was a holy grail. We even had multiples because it was that great. From the first week of bringing Ava home we used this for every nap and bedtime. We loved that you can just put the baby in the pocket and Velcro it up! She was always so snug and comfy in these things. Unfortunately she grew out of them and no longer likes to be swaddled at 3 months.

#2. Soothie pacifier


The best one you get hand down is the one from the hospital. Something about it being baby’s first pacifier makes special. It will most likely be your babies one and only favorite. This has been so amazing to sooth a crying baby or even help to fall asleep if not hungry. It was another favorite product, but again she kind of grew out of it and has moved on to something better… Her hand!

#3. Playtex ventaire bottles


Since our baby is formula fed we found that these bottles have been amazing. They have a unique shape and vents at the bottom to release air so your baby does not become colicky or get air bubbles in there tummy. What I also love about these bottles are that any Playtex nipple fits just in case your baby don’t latch to certain ones. Luckily Ava is not picky.

#4. Infant gas relief drops


OK seriously these things are the best! Anytime she has gas problems or is even constipated I just put a few drops in her bottle and within 10 to 20 minutes she is burping, farting and even exploding her diaper! Gross I know, but it help my baby girl.

#5. Fisher price rock and play sleeper


From day one Ava has slept in this and since then its the only place for bedtime and the only place comfy enough for her. Trust me we have tried other sleeping methods and she always just ends back up in this sleeper. It is so nice because it vibrates and even rocks. It even has straps to hold baby in while awake. I don’t strap her in at night because let’s be honest, who would Like to be strapped down while asleep? Not me. But this is defiantly a must have and I’m sad she’s going to have to stop using it soon.

#6. Huggies snugglers


Yes I know of course diapers are going to be everyone’s must have, but the huggies and pampers that have the wetness indicator have been a life saver. Its not always noticeable when the baby has a wet diaper even when its very little. These diapers have a yellow line when dry and they turn blue when wet and that insures my baby always is changed and nice and clean!

#7.Burp cloths


Babies spit up a lot and you don’t always want to carry towels around to clean it up. Burp clothes are small and reasonable to take around with you. And not to mention there are some cute ones!

#8. Aveeno baby calming bath


Anytime Ava is fussy and fighting her sleep at night I like to run a warm bath and add this like a bubble bath. I also use the baby stress relief body wash. This night routine has been the best because right after she is so relaxed and ready to pass right out.

#9. Baby bath


I just love this little bath seat so much! It’s so compact and has easy to put away when not in use. Since baby’s first bath it has been amazing. She is so comfortable it this and it allows the water to seep through to all of her body. Ava loves kicking her feet over the edge and letting them soak in the water. It is such a great first time bath and great to use as she gets bigger.

#10. Boppy!


Everyone needs a boppy pillow no matter what! Although we didn’t start to use ours until ava was about 4 to 5 weeks, it has been the most used item in this house! She loves to just sit back in it next to us watching TV. Its great to prop her up for a bottle feeding and allows for her to eat at an angle. We usually lay a blankly over it for more underneath support and lay her on it for naps and she loves it! Now that she’s 3 months we are starting to use it for playtime, to help sit up, tummy time and more. Its so convenient and its my favorite must have for our daughter.

These are our favorite baby items and I must say that we could not have survived without them and I am happy to have found such great items my baby loves. Please feel free to let me know your favorites, I love to try new things.